Rants, Reviews

Roses are Red, Violets, blue, Ice Cream is Sweet, but “So Delicious” is too!!!!~ Ideas for Valentines Day. Idea 1

Roses are Red, Violets, blue, Ice Cream is Sweet, but “So Delicious” is too!!!!~

Ideas for Valentines Day. Idea 1

Going gluten free has been quite a challenge but all is not lost!! I must also go dairy, soy and other things free as well…

Enter So Delicious’ Cherry Amaretto Frozen Desert!

This stuff is OMG!!!! Delicious. 🙂 I had to literally stop myself from eating any more than a few spoonfuls.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I am IN LOVE!!!

After a couple of hours in the grocery store pouring over labels to determine what I could eat and what would be appropriate for a “Valentines Day” gluten free feast, happily, I stumbled upon a couple of selections in the Earth fare freezer section.

All I can say is YUM!!!! THIS IS A KEEPER!

For other suggestions of So Delicious products, please visit their website where you can literally look at the ingredients and allergens in each product before you shop!

Here you go: http://sodeliciousdairyfree.com/products/coconut-milk-frozen-desserts/cherry-amaretto

They also have dairy free, gluten free coffee creamer in the form of coconut creamer that I’ve enjoyed and you can read about here: http://www.sodeliciousdairyfree.com/products/coconut-milk-creamers/creamer-original


You may also get coupons to print out here. Be aware it is an app you must download: http://sodeliciousdairyfree.com/get-coupons

So in a sea of confusion about going gluten free, and with the challenge of Valentines Day rapidly approaching, encouragement has raised it’s cheery head with a vote of confidence!! Thank you “So Delicious!”

Happy Reading and Eating!



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