Rants, Recipes, Reviews

“The problem with competition is that it takes away the requirement to set your own path, to invent your own method, to find a new way.” Seth Godin ~ Going Gluten Free in the World Of Sports.

“The problem with competition is that it takes away the requirement to set your own path, to invent your own method, to find a new way.” Seth Godin

~ Going Gluten Free in the World Of Sports.~

With so many people going gluten free, and in trying to find my own path through this new maze, I have discovered the challenge of balancing act of carb content in my diet and exercise or sports… But what about the effect of such challenges in a “growing” body? How do athletes maintain their competitive edge?

Everyone knows that in order to maintain a healthy level of energy, you MUST add carbs, whole grains, and the like… right? Of course rightUh.. not according to this interesting article!!

To put a name and a face to very well known gluten-free atheletes, you may simply look to the MTA… Novak Djokovic.

I’ve noticed the difference in my own body when I exert myself… how my body reacts to “stresses” either intentional or not, but what about those stresses faced by professional athletes? How can this influence or help the youth athletes striving for competitive edge, stronger skills and a better life hopefully through scholarships?

In this very detailed article by Gary Morley, for CNN, he goes into great detail about how gluten-free diets are taking the professional tennis world by storm! It’s a very interesting read.

The fact that Novak Djokovic was dealing with issues within his lungs caused by gluten amazed me! As stated ”It was his sensitivity to gluten that was compromising his lungs,” he adds, citing that in Chinese medicine there’s believed to be a relationship between the large intestines and the lungs.

So, what isn’t affected by our gut? Seriously!

Tennis Coach, Pete McGraw stated that “Cutting out wheat-based foods such as bread and pasta could be the best thing you ever do… Athletes would be complaining of excessive tiredness, even after light sessions. During a normal daily activity it was fine but then as soon as they began to exercise their blood sugar levels would drop significantly, and that causes concentration-behavior issues, (problems with) focus, emotional control.”

The article also stated that, “McCraw says he has also seen “life-changing” results in his clients. ‘Personalities changed, they were much calmer, had more clarity, better grades at school, their relationships with parents have improved, my relationship with them has matured,’ he said.”

The article greatly warns that no one should try this gluten free approach without the consent of their doctor!!! Please follow this advice from the original author accordingly!

You may find the full article here to print out and take with you to your physician for further discussion. Perhaps there may be an underlying cause never before considered in both physical and emotional status linked to gluten! It is definitely worth investigating!

As for some gluten-free energy boosting snacks, I of course LOVE my LARABARS, but here are a few posts I’d found on Pinterest with some very interesting looking recipes! ~ Enjoy~

Here are some Chia seed energy bars: http://wellnessmama.com/5475/chia-seed-energy-bars/

Some Almond Power Bars: http://www.kitchenstewardship.com/2009/07/01/recipe-connection-almond-power-bars/

Easy 3 ingredient Energy Bars: http://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-make-easy-3-ingredient-energy-bars-at-home-cooking-lessons-from-the-kitchn-184306#

There are more posted on my Pinterest board if you’d like to search, pin and share!

So what are YOUR favorite energy boosters? Please share! I’m sure there are many great ideas out there!

Until Next time,
Happy Reading and Eating!
